A question from a nine year old:


Assalamualykum Wa Rahmatullah, Dearest Hajjah Nazihe

My daughter asked me, “All people believe that their religion is the true religion. How do I know that my religion is the true one.”

I don’t know how to answer her. Please help. She has been asking me this question since she was six.

Thank you. Jazakumullahu khayran fid-darayn.


wa `alaykum salam,

1. Islam is the only Religion that calls people to worship God only and not His creations.

2. Islam teaches the belief that all the Prophets of God carried, including Prophet Jesus and Moses peace be upon them. Prophet Jesus (`Isa) came with the original Bible and in it had the message of God is One without a partner, that God is unlike His creations in anyway whatsoever, that He is the only One who deserves to be worshipped. The original Bible that Prophet Jesus came with had been changed and even the Christian scholars admit to this. So this means that the true message of Jesus Christ (`Alayhi Salam) was altered, or lost.

3. All of the Prophets starting with Prophet Adam and until the Final Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad Peace be upon all of them, came with “La ilaha il-Llah” (There is no God but God). Prophets are the pioneers of mankind. God sent them to teach humanity about their Creator, about Paradise and hell, about what’s good to do and what’s bad  not to do.

4. All Messengers were Prophets but not all Prophets were Messengers. What is the difference? The Prophet who is a Messenger is one to whom God revealed new Laws differing from the Laws of the previous Messenger before Him. The Prophet who is not a Messenger also received the Revelation from God, in which he was ordered to follow the Laws of the previous Messenger.  Prophet Jesus is a Messenger that came with the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible at that time was the new set of Laws to be applied. So following the Torah during the time of Prophet Jesus would be invalid because the people were obliged to accept Jesus as a Prophet and to follow the new set of Laws revealed by God. So a believer at that time would utter “There is no God but God and Jesus is the messenger of God” while believing in all of the Prophets before him. So after a few hundred years had passed, ignorance reigned supreme over the people and then God sent the final Messenger, the seal of the Prophets, Muhammad. Muhammad came with a new Law revealed to him by God. This is the Holy Qur’an and it is valid until the Day of Judgment.

5. Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu `Alayhi wa salam) went through the greatest hardships to spread the universal message of “La ilaha ill ‘Llah” and he was sent as a mercy to all of humanity, black, white, Arab, Chinese, Pakistani, Hispanic, and so on. All of the prophet before him were sent to a certain tribe or people but not Prophet Muhammad, He was sent to all. For one to become a believer today one must utter loud enough to hear oneself and with the intention to embrace Islam ” There is no God but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God” while believing in all of the Prophets before him.

6. Islam holds Allah as One, Unique, and Perfect.

7. The Quran does not contain contradictions.

8. The Quran contains scientific facts, which are 1300 years ahead of their time. The Quran while revealed 1400 years ago contains scientific facts, which are only now being discovered. It is not in contradiction with science.

9. Allah challenges the world to produce the like of the Quran. And He says they won’t be able to.

10.  Prophet Mohammed was the most influential man in History. Even a non-Muslim wrote a book called the 100 most influential men in History, and Prophet Mohammed was #1. Prophet Jesus was #3. Note even Prophet Jesus was a prophet sent by Allah. Would Allah allow a false prophet to be so successful? No. Even the Bible says this in Deuteronomy 18:19. A false prophet would die!!! Yet Prophet Mohammed did not die till he completely conveyed, and taught Allah’s religion.

11. Prophet Mohammed had many prophecies, and all of his prophecies have come true, or are still coming true.

12. Prophet Mohammed was given many miracles, but his greatest one was to receive the Holy Qur’an. While the miracles of all the previous prophets and messengers have gone with them, the Holy Qur’an stays to be the MIRACLE until the Judgment Day.

Imam Senad Agic, Ph.D.
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America

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