Learning in islamic school


Salaam Alaykum,

I take islamic courses in Franc, I wanted to improve my knowledge. Our teacher in Coran & Sunna sometimes contredict our shuyuks : Imam Mahdy a legend, criticize sufis on making hadras, saying we can judge the actions of Sahabas if good or wrong. He tells things I am not sure about : wudu on any kind of socks, woman can put water on her scarf for wudu without conditions, superogatory prayers can all be done while seated even healthy… All based on sunna. I always felt unconfortable with him from first. I am very confused, I wanted to learn islam but get very bored with these studies in the way they teach us. Although I had intention to, now I am running away even I forced myself to attend the courses.

Please, is it necessary to continue in these conditions ? Thank !
Wa Salaam Wa Rahmatullah


wa `alaykum salam,

Listen to what your heart is telling you.

Taher Siddiqui

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