Not happy with my profession life


Asalam o alaikum everyone
May ALLAH (S.W.T) showers lots of blessings of both the world. At my working I’m facing lots of humility on the basis of my school of thought. I belong to ahle sunnah jaamah they are wahabis recently came to know about my individuality. I hadn’t disclosed my identity to them only because of the reason that i don’t want my thoughts to interfere in my work. I had read the basic principle of our school but due to my inexperience I’m not able to stand them. They are experience people and I’m just a beginner. Please sort out my problem. I don’t know how to deal in this situation (maintaining my pleasant behavior). Remember me in your doa‘s .


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
Please refer to Shaykh Taher’s answer in the Post “Is Wahabism Kufr?


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