Dream: Crying over losing virginity in dream


Last night I saw a dream in which I was about to marry the man of my choice & I was so terrified at the thought that I have lost my virginity to someone I don’t even remember in the dream and I cry a lot, and so ashamed, I tell my mom & sister that I can’t marry that person anymore because of this & was so sad & distressed in the dream in the 2nd part of dream I saw myself at my workplace & wind blew my Chaddar in front of too many Na Mehram men standing around thrice. I try to gather it & hide but can’t. Plz interpret this dream I’m so worried.


Wind is your own unnecessary disclosure. What Allah Most High has covered up is past and gone so build on the present and keep the best thoughts of yourself and others.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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