Dream: Death and Punishment


Asalaamu alaykum,
I saw a lady on her death bed and her brother is sitting by her looking very upset. I find out that doctors have said she will not survive. I see her surrounded by people who are beating her. There appears to be a skeleton standing around her. Her hands are being broken because she is a sinner. I am told that she is going to be punished and that she is suffering now to see how much punishment she will be able to take in the next life. She is half stone. I do not recognize her but I am saddened by this. I don’t know who she might be. Please advise and interpret this dream as I am terrified by this dream and please make dua for the lady in my dream.



Alaykum Salam,
With every verse of punishment there is a verse of mercy. Make tawba and a lot of salawat on the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) so that Allah will show you expressions of His good pleasure.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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