Dream: Spider


I had a dream where I was at the airport, going to some place. I came across a man and i think a woman. There was a table in the corner of a room, a book was wedged between the underpart of the table and the wall. The man tried to get it using his leg but couldn’t. Eventually, I tried and I saw under the table a cobweb with a spider, I tried to get the book and ocassionally the spider would move. I managed to get a book and it was pink, by then the spider was massive.

Another dream I had, I was in a childrens school and I was being chased by a deer. The deer was keep trying to find me and eventually someone/thing pinned it down on its back with its belly visible.


Walaikum Assalam,
InchaAllah your enemies will not be able to harm you.

Allah knows best.

Ali Elsayed

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