Dream: big change


A bit before (or after convert I don’t remember) to Islam , I was doing many many zikr and one day , I was repeating “Al Hamdulillah” in my head while closing my eyes and it started to become louder , like a big choir of “Al hamdulillah”. I saw four men making sujud I thought that they were obviously placed one in the north , one in the east , west and south. And they started to turn around a center faster and faster until it forms some symbol (I think it was a swastikka but I’m not sure) and then, the sky went red, I thought “to the ocean!!” and so I was inside the sea and I saw all the fishes suddenly jumping out of the sea to gather and form another symbol (which I don’t know what it was) in the sky turning, and then they go to the clouds and a big light flashes.
After that I see a woman with a pot spreading water everywhere while the face of a king appears in the sky and that a ray of light falls on me, and spreads on every people in the world.
After there are two female giants on earth , one steps on houses while the other makes flower appear on the ruins of the crushed houses, they turn hand in hand.
After that I see many things flashing fast (what I thought to be the whole history of humanity, like when someone sees his whole life before dying) and then I see a black man in the desert, dressed only with some white peace of tissue to hide his awrah , holding a flower in his hand and watching the sky.
And in some moment I saw the turkish flag. And a voice said “be careful , Orion is coming” or something like this (I’m not sure if it was precisely “Orion” but it looked like this.)

After that I was so stunned, like drunk , it took like half an hour for me to recover.

I always wondered what it was.


And after I took baya with mawlana sheikh Nazim, I had a short dream. I was watching news and I knew it was kinda a bit before the Judgement Day. There was turkish people with swords who looked very happy and shouting “allah akbar” and other things while showing an old shredded carpet with a figure of the Prophet (peace be upon him). And one of the turkish guys said : “it is a sign of our forthcoming victory”.

Could you explain this one?

I’m sorry if my questions are a bit complicated. Please tell me if you need any things to clear this off (especially for the first dream, I hope having been precise enough.)


A`udhu Billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem
Wa salallahu `ala Sayyidina Muhammad

This dream indicated spiritual poles of this time and the coming of Imam Mahdi. This is a time of opening of great spiritual knowledge, InshaAllah you will be witness to this great change for humanity.

W `Allahu `alam

Kamau Ayyub

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