Dream: Dreams about him.


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah,

I am currently in a relationship with someone for 3 years.We are sayyid. The first dream I had was that I dreamt that I was at my grandmother’s place, holding a wedding card. I see his name with another girl’s name and I start crying intensely. Then the scene changes suddenly. I’m in a house when he comes in with a group of my brother’s friends he saw me and didnt like it. I could see it on his face I woke up and felt very sad. Another dream that I was playing football outside his house in Tareem, Hadramaut. Recently, he dreamt that he saw me running away from him, crying, and I ran straight home slamming the door while my father was outside looking on and then followed soon after. There has been other dreams that I cannot remember, but they have all not been positive.


`Alaykum as-Salam,

Shaytan tries to inspire distress and stir up trouble through negative dreams but do increase your Salawat especially during these months and you will see positive dreams again insha-Allah. Recite Ya Wadud 100 times daily for peace and harmony.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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