Imam Ali gifting tiger


I got a dream wherein Hazrat Imam Ali (r.a.) is gifting me two tamed tigers. Please give me an interpretation.
Thanks and love


Assalamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

Inshallah these two tigers represent the tajalli of our masters Hasan and Husain alayhim assalam. They represent the two sides of our master, Shah-i Mardan Imam Ali, ‘alayh as-salam: courage/bravery and ma’rifa.

This can mean multiple things inshallah and they are not exclusive to one another:

1) that you will have children who are either named Hasan and Hussain or each will manifest the tajalli of these two grandsons of the Prophet, allahumma salli ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih
2) you will receive a breath inside your heart inshallah of these two tajallis where you will be given a glimpse of the courage and ma’rifa of Imam ‘Ali, ‘alayh as-salam and the presence and inheritance of imams Hasan and Husain ‘alayhim as-salam

Allah’s Mercy and Generosity is vast and wide and He can inshallah give you and all of us these two gifts in the blink of an eye inshallah. Maintain regular salawat upon our beloved master Muhammad allahumma salli ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih and his family, especially Ahl al-Kisa.

There is also a secret in you receiving this dream inshallah. As a female member of the Ummat an-Nabisalawat rabbi ‘alayh, our lady Fatima az-Zahra is gazing upon you inshallah and receiving these two tigers is a gift from her through Imam ‘Ali, ‘alayh as-salam, inshallah. So try to attach yourself to their love and learning about their hearts and tajalliyyat. The end of days, the time we are living in today, is their time and their power inshallah, so these two tigers will be tremendous help for you and the rest of Ummat an-Nabi, allahumma salli ‘alayh wa ‘ala alihi.

Wal hamdu lillahi rabbil ‘alameen,

Ali Hussain

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