Dream: Getting a letter from Sheikh Nazim


The Day I took Bayat with Maulana Shaikh Nazim through Internet , I saw a dream in which a male voice instructing me to read Quranic verses and my shahada finger moving on the verses, later I am telling some pessengers of a bus to move out while seeing a fire inside the bus but none of them would believe me,they denied of seeing the fire, later I saw my Partner carrying a letter for me which had my full name on it and at the back the sender’s name was written as “Maulana Sheikh Mohammad Nazim Adil Al haqqani”, inside it was written ” for new kids” later it was written ” night of heavenly dreames”. Also would like to tell you that after knowing about this dream ,we ourself sensed that may be it was a hint that my Partner should also enter the Tariqaat which eventually happened too. Recently He saw a dream in which he was sitting with Maulana shaikh
Nazim and Maulana was telling him about the end times .My partner is a revert.
Please help.


The verses you read were the Verses of Baya` confirming your Internet baya` is accepted. The bus represents Mawlana carrying his murids, and the fire is that of `ishq, love for the Divine, which the other long-time murids did not see, as they have become used to it.  Mawlana’s invitation to your spouse was accepted as you mentioned and discussion of the End Times is the reality of the times we are in.

W ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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