Dream: Please interpretation urgent


Salaam, I liked a man who I wanted to get married to but have stopped talking now. On the same night in my dream about 2:45 am,he’s walking with me through the forest, big tall trees, greenery everywhere. We saw few women working, while waking pass them, happily walking, going to friends house, he goes up to use the toilet. I think and I’m there with a guy who we visited with his mother, it’s started raining heavy when I look outside the window.When the guy I like comes down, he comes and stand next to the rail of white little girls dresses hanged.

Second dream, seen by my sister. She told me in morning that me and that guy was on a beach, clear blue water. That guy was wearing white tea shirt with white glowing face and had beauty spot on his face. I was running towards a island  to stand on a stone like playing and he was walking towards/running after me. May Allah bless u


Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Insha Allah Khair. This dream brings good news for you. Forest represents loneliness. Walking with you means, he is a good companion to take away your loneliness. Rain represents blessings. White dresses indicates purity. Overall this dream indicates he is a good person for you and try to work out the differences. He likes you as well so do not destroy the relationship for small items but instead propose to marry him.

Syed Shahzaman

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