Dream: Qiyammah


I had a dream where everyone thought qiyamah was coming and then I had a flash of my imagination of Allah (SWT) and Mikaeel alayhisalam who beared his throne gettinging up, ready, and then it was back to me in a quite crowded are, maybe in saudi, and I said to my brother qiyammah isn’t coming yet the dajjal hasn’t arrived yet. What does this mean? Jazakallah.


wa ‘alaykum salam,

That dream is an indication of how close Judgment Day is, and saying “Dajjal hasn’t come yet” means, “he will appear shortly” and after his appearance Judgment Day follows so closely. That is a spiritual “flash”, lamhat, coming to you from the spiritual appearance of that reality, as a warning to you to prepare yourself to be ready for that reality.

w ‘Allahu `alam,

TaherĀ  Siddiqui

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