Dream: Searching for sunset


Asalamu alaykum shuyukh,

In this dream I’m with my siblings and a friend. I’m trying to capture the sunset in a photo but at times there are obstacles in my way and I’m trying to find gaps through the houses and buildings even driving a great distance for the photo. I see all these different colored sunsets, from red, purple, pink and blue. Its really breathtaking. I’m in a deserted place with somewhat dry grass and I’m driving in between the cars.


Walaikumas salam
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Insha Allah this dream is indicating that you will be blessed with a good marriage and beautiful children. It will seem there are many obstacles, but there is really only one obstacle and that is you are only using your mind when looking, only looking for the external qualities but not the inner qualities or character. Therefore, look using your heart for a husband with kind manners, generous mind, God-fearing heart.

Syed Shahzaman

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