Urgent dream interpretation: 14 days to marriage


Assalam ‘Alaykum,

Ya Shuyukh, may shower you with abundant mercy and blessings.

I had a dream where I saw Sayyidi Shaykh Nazim (Hafidhah Allah). Upon seeing me he told me that I will be getting married within two weeks. I also mentioned to him that I had many difficulties and kissed his noble cheek.

Kindly advise me the meaning as the dream occurred on 17th August, and I am to travel to Tunisia on the 31st August (exactly 14 days).

Does this signify marriage, death or something other? Is it good sign or bad?

Jazakum Allah Khayra al-Jaza’


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm: Wa `alaykum salam.

This dream can mean that you may get to marry in Tunisia In Sha’Allah.
This is good dream (Masha’Allah).

And Allah (`azz wa jall) knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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