

When I was very young I suffered a traumatic indecent that I believe left me with lifelong problems both with absorbing information and communicating. When I was at school almost everything was beyond me and every lesson was a struggle, I believe now that I had some form of learning difficulty although this was never diagnosed and because of this, I retreated into silence, until this became the normal state of affairs and by the time I was a teenager I was almost completely mute except for my mother and sister. I’ve went through almost all of my life in complete silence, talking to almost no-one. It almost feels like it was my destiny to be cut off from creation, but what would be the purpose for this. I daydream a great deal about what my life might be like if this incedent hadn’t happened.


wa `alaykum salam,

We are sorry to hear about this sickness and traumatic event for which Allah’s Wisdom no one knows for sure except He. Why not try now to seek treatment for the condition so you may lead a more fulfilled life? If you do not chose to do so, maybe you can use the silence to turn inwards and begin intense, contemplative muraqabah with the Shaykh so you may gain spiritual wisdom and fulfillment.

Dr. Aziz Hussein

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