Suffering from serious black magic


As salamualykum I am [private]. I am suffering serious black magic 10 years and many jinn’s problem that sent by magic by step grandmother. She feed serious poisons my mother after my birth. She is biggest witch and she learned it in [private] only for harm my whole family and my uncle is maulana is black magician and also 2 aunt. These people works together for destroy my family. These person always come my home but my family don’t know their real intention. My family does not believe black magic but they do but too late. They took my scarf, nail, hair, sweat dress & they made 5 voodoos doll by my sweat cloth of me and feed magic. To 200_, I went aunt house and they took me to a [private] magician, he took blood 3 times cutting from my left hand’s small finger and after adding something + water in it magician give this blood drink for 14 days and magician also done something with my left and right hand line from then my hand’s line have been fully changed and my life fully hell. That magician give me with that blood many rapist devil Hindu jinn for 24hr sex, pushing sorcery & transfer information and these jinn’s remain all time inside my body even my prayer and recitation of Quran and my family know everything to this years. I know my all good luck is transferred to uncle’s daughter by that magician. She is my classmate. I love ones for marry in 200_ but my enemy took that person their daughter by magic and then I chose another for marry in 20__ they took this person their same daughter. They also create bad relation between me and my parents. From then Parent’s behavior for me like step parents then my parents done much black magic on me by that magician’s. I went first of my varsity, my varsity authority offer for cse lecturer post to me but now no response. They made me emotionless and useless and now my brain problem, now my life obstacles full. I saw dream every night is very strange. Now I suffering huge problems& feel pain in my body’s major parts such as full heart areas. They have done sorcery on my hair that my hair turns white color. No one can treat me because my enemies group very powerful and they have limitless powerful bad jinn. Some day before a maulana treat me and kill 6 jinn from me but my step grandma and uncle sent more powerful devil 5 jinn they do all-time sex with me & feed sorcery me. Now I am very sick I can’t breathe properly cause of pain because they done on my heart, liver for die & always feel very heat with my body and around my body. No one want to treat my problem because very powerful magic & my powerful enemy and powerful devil jinn’s. These jinn’s give all information time to time to my enemies. They kill my one sister before one year but symptoms similar with me. Now I suffering serious genitals and anal aching even whole body but from childhood I never feeling sick .and these problem my out of imagine. All do not get well as long as sorcery blood with me. If someone helps me, then my enemies harm them. They feed me in my dream everyday as alive blood sucking wom living in water and wet place and raw and rotten food and meat and menstrual bleeding cow dung and with dog’s food, menstrual blood & many others. I saw in dream: black 5 black dogs, black cat, fish, toilet, biggest snake, baby, fell down from high & my aunts & some stranger people sorcery on me. No quranic verse work on me. All-time jinn remain inside me. All maulana give up me. My belly bloating and pain and crawling something in my whole body but I don’t know. Many maulana said it has no cure because magicians feeding & I went medical test my blood and full body but there are no problem… Besides I have one name brother [private]. He loved my enemy’s girl. He has good relation my all enemies. He stays with me and my parents. Do sorcery on me be half of my enem y because property.. If I will die then he will get all property. But I do not want property in spite of they will kill me. They kill my father now my parents known all event& my parents said If I will die then he don’t give any property. My enemies choose my brother for their daughter only property but my poor brother does not realize it. Recently parents behavior suddenly changed all time they will say all problem do by Allah. Recently I have seen some dream that mean death will be happen presently. Please help me and do a dua for me and please tell me what can I do now? Please do me maulana saheb duas and what should I now. My junior brother made my porno video last may 20__ for his love and he love my enemy daughter followed by enemy and my brother age 2_. my brother mix sehr and did black whole family.


Say a’udhu billahi minash shaytanir rajeem 3x. Bismillahir rahmanir
rahim. Qul Huwallahu ahad. Allahus samad. Lam yalid wa lam yulad. Wa lam
yakun lahu kufuwan ahad.

Also recite last two Suras of Quran. Do this every morning and every evening. This will help you to resist and run away from those devils so that they will not harm you anymore.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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