Daughter’s issue


My daughter is unhappily married for three and a half years because her husband argues with her on every little thing and is extremely stubborn. He doesn’t want see her side of the family and never agrees to go with her when she has to attend any of her family gatherings while she almost always goes to his side of the family. They do not have a husband wife relationship for more than a year because HE has no interest. He is very disrespectful to us too. About 3-4 weeks ago she came back to our house and doesn’t want to go back. She said she is not attracted to him anymore and wants divorce from him. He said sorry many times but is still very stubborn. Please guide us in this tough time.


wa `alaykum salam,

In-sha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is praying for the best.

Stubborn people take great patience to deal and live with. If she is willing she may try. Else, from your description, she has right to request divorce due to lack of marital relations, and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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