Importance of making a will


Asalamu alaikom.

Please advise on How to make an Islamic will and the importace of leaving a will. InshAllah with Mowlana’s permission I am preparing for Hajj InshAllah.

Also please advise on the adab of wearing of our Naqshabandi turban while in Mecca and Madina, and how to find you Mowlana Shaykh Nazim and Shaykh Hisham especially in Madina Sharif.

May Allah bless you all and Endless Salawat be upon our Master Muhammad Sallallahu alahi wassalam.


wa `alaykum salam,

Our Prophet (s) said that “It is not rightful for a Muslim person, if he has anything to bequeath, that he sleeps two consecutive nights without having his will written with him.” (Narrated Abdullah bin Umar: Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 51, Number 1)

Wills are written to ensure that they are valid legal documents in a country you live in. An attorney should review your personal circumstances to ensure that your Islamic will is tailored to your needs.

Islamic will may include the following provisions:

1. Arrangement of your Muslim Burial

2. To select somebody you trust to handle your affairs after you die.

3. To choose your Guardians – Who do you want to raise your young children after both parents die?

4. To make Gifts – Do you want to make a gift to charity or anyone else?

It is a confirmed Sunnah to wear a turban all the time, especially on Fridays attending Jum`ah prayers and when visiting holy places of Mekka and Medina.

Note: to avoid undue attention, Shaykh Hisham advises to use a normal cap and short white or green turban.

You can find Shaykh Hisham in Medina in the Prophet’s Masjid near the place known as Suffah.

Imam Senad Agic
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago

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