Marriage and Lucid Dreaming


As-salaamu Alaykoem(WRBT)
My married life has been through many ups and downs: more downs recently. I lost a great job about 10 years ago, and after that my financial position has not been good, but algamdulillah it has improved. I suspected my wife of having an affair because she did some odd sexual movements in her sleep and when I approached her she would push me away and get angry when I told what she was doing. This is still continuing to this day and we having not been sleeping together for the past 2 months. My mother-in-law also lives with us. I need Shaykh Hisham’s advice and giudance in this matter. Shukrun Katheer.

wa `alaykum salam,
Allah Most High said He will test us through income and spouses. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal was happiest when penniless. Avoid suspicion. Give her a gift. Recite ya Haleem ya Wadud 100 times daily.
Hajj Gibril Haddad

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