Marriage between a Sufi and Salafi



Am a Muslim woman following the Sufi path and got married to a Salafi. The man made me believe he was a Sunni before marriage and after marriage I found out he follows Salafi path.We have many clash of ideas and sometimes I ask myself whether there is any baraqah in our marriage. I wanted to know if it is permissible for us Sufis to stay with
Salafis in wedlock, or its not allowed and what should I do now? Fortunately we don’t have any children yet. Thanks.


wa `alaykum salam,

You said the answer, “fortunately you don’t have a child.” We are not going to put our opinion, but we will tell you that you will clash all your life about Salafi vs. Sufi until one follows the other, and I don’t believe with his `aqidah he will follow other than that. He might push you to follow the Salafi way and be careful. And I won’t say the marriage is not correct but it is up to your opinion.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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