please need answer


Assalamlikum, with respect a answer my question I used to love my ex-husband a lot i live in western society U S, although i am good muslim, when i am marry my husband he blamed me that i have sexually relationship with man and i am not virgin, its break my heart, because no man ever touch me, also he blamed me that i have bad relation with man in fact I always follow sunnah of prophet pbuh, and he divorced me and he really destroy my life, I am very pious no man touch me no affia no boy friend, very faithful wife, what is Islam saying about this kind of blame, and i never done anything wrong, please answer me mulana sahib, mera kaya qasoor tha,


Alaykum Salam,

May Allah reward you for your sabr and compensate you in dunya and
akhira. Allah hates injustice. False accusation of adultery is a serious offense
and one of the enormous sins (kaba’ir). A blameless person who has been
wrongly accused and unjustly divorced is close to Allah subhan wa taala
and their dua is answered.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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