request for prayer urgently


shaikh please reply. im in a terrible in love with a guy. we both like each other and want to be together. but he is having a lot of problems be it professional, family everything and because of that he is getting frustrated and angry & is giving second thoughts to our marriage. please help me. if his mother agrees then there will be no problem. please pray that he clears all subjects of his exam. please tell me what to do 1-for his exams to go well 2-for our love,trust and understanding to increase 3-to convince her mother for our marriage 4-for their family problems so that every thing gets solved and sorted out 5-to reduce his anger and make him more religious. please tell what to dothe duas and wazifa for these because i stay far and i want to read all this. i love him a lot. Please make duas that we get married to each other. Please reply


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

See recommended wazifa in this post.


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