Urgent! Girlfriend don’t talk to me


Me and my girl friend we met 2 years ago, we planned to marry in this year. In july month we had a argument, and now she don’t like to talk to me, She is avoiding me, she love me a lot, I want to marry her.
Please Suggest me a Dua.


Wa alaikum as-Salam Wa Rahmatullah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Insha Allah, Mawlana is praying for you.

Everyday try to recite the below.

“Audhu billahiminash shaytanir Rajeem” x40
“Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” x100
Hasbunallahu wa ni`mal-wakeel” x100 and
Darood-e-Fatih 100x.

Then appeal to Allah subhanahu T`ala for resolving your problem.

Syed Shahzaman

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