What next after Hazrat Dawood?


As salamun alaykum. Really grateful for your spiritual assistance always. Please I have started Hazrat Dawood for almost 40 days, and Alhamdulillahi, I have noticed positive changes in my husband, though he has not started eating at home and he has not make any attempt to sleep with me. but, his behavior towards me is now calm and nice. Please, I have the following questions:
1). if I finish the 40 days, what do I do next to sustain the love 2). What prayer can I do to make him make love with me as he has been avoiding me 3). what can I do to make him start eating at home because his children are asking why their father is not eating at home again. Thank you, Jazakumullahu khayran.


Alaykum Salam,

Get up before fajr, make wudu and pray two rakaat or more. Who prays at night their beauty increases day by day. When not praying, recite salat tibbiyya x40, it will perfume your face and heart. When preparing food recite Bismillah alRahman alRahim over it. Package it and send to him if not eating at home. In sha Allah things will improve.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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