Foreknowledge in Islam


selaam aleykum to all,

On the miracles and the foreknowledge of Islam……

I am not sure anyone else has noticed, but I was personally amazed to notice that contemporary science have found that the left hemisphere of the brain is associated with the more spiritual side of man and is connected through the nervous system to the right hand side of the body, and conversely the more rational, worldly side of man has been found to be activated in the right hemisphere of the brain which is wired to the left hand side of the body.

And the Holy Prophet (s) in his time told believers to step into the mosque with the right foot and step out of the mosque to go about their worldy trade with their left foot leading…Makes me wonder if time was really what we thought it was

medad ya Sultan


`Alaykum Salam,

Mawlana said that we are the mirrors of our realities in the presence of
Allah and thus on this earth we give our left side to the Ka`aba while
circumambulating but the right side in the spiritual world, and so forth
with everything.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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