Complete Hadith Needed


I remember reading once, a hadith where Nabi SAW said about the 3 types of people (or it was believers? I’m cannot recall). A part I recall is that one category is of the non-believers, one category of the believers but who are weak in flesh. And the rest I don’t remember.

Can you please give the complete hadith? And also perhaps, give a little insight on it and it’s explanation? I apologize for bad adab. And sorry if whatever I remember from the hadith is also wrong but your help will be appreciated!
JazakAllah khair!


`Alaykum Salam,
“The people of hellfire are every loudmouth tyrant who prevents goodness, and the people of Paradise are the weak who are vanquished.” Narrated by Ahmad, al-Tabarani, al-Hakim and al-Bayhaqi with various wordings.

إن أهل النار كل جعظري جواظ مستكبر جماع مناع , و أهل الجنة الضعفاء

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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