Hadith Doubt


Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said: ‘In the last third of every night Allah (SWT) descends to the lower most heaven and says; “Who is calling Me, so that I may answer him? Who is asking Me so that may I grant him? Who is seeking forgiveness from Me so that I may forgive him?.”‘[Bukhari]

My doubt is this hadith says that Allah SWT descends to the lower most heaven during the last third of every night. My doubt is if I take it scientifically, earth is spherical. Its last third of night in any place at any part of time in this whole world. I mean in this 24 hours, always there is some part of the world which is experiencing the last third of night. Now my question is ,whether Allah SWT is always in the lower heaven since all the time it’s last third of night in some part of world?

It means His mercy and forgiveness and nearness are constantly available. It means He is intimately near to you in the dead of night if you seek Him as mentioned in Surat al-Muzzammil.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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