About ahadith of sahi bukhari


Assalam u alayekum !
Kindly explain the interpretation of hadith no.6002 of Sahi bukhari mentioned in merits of companions (R.A) in which Prophet SAW said, “Fatima R.A would suffer difficulties/turmoil after me”. (may be words are different but subject is something like this). So if we take this hadith as sahi, what were those difficulties which Syedah Fatimah R.A faced?
2-Also in Kitab Al Maghazi it is mentioned that Syedna Ali (KUW,RA) led the funeral prayer of Syedah Fatima R.A in night and buried her in night time and the next day he gave oath of alliance to Syedna Abu Bakr R.A (i.e 6 months after his caliphate’s beginning).
Shia claim that these traditions (along with many others) are in accord with their beliefs. If these traditions are not sahi, should we stop regarding Bukhari as an authentic book?


wa `alaykum salam,

Her heart was broken that the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) passed away before her. As for the second question, many Sahaba especially women requested to be buried at night because it is more private. These hadiths are sahih but we are not responsible for people’s selective reading and misinterpretation. The final hypothetical question is sheer nonsense.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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