Is imprisoning an animal of any kind a sin?


Salam Walaykum,

I really hate it when birds are caged. Allah gave them wings to fly with and it is stealing their right to live by being caged. Pigeons are different because for shelter they stay with humans but they leave to fly at will. Other birds never come back and humans should respect that. Also, just today news says that an elephant in India has been recently rescued for being chained for five decades long. It has been fed (barely) but was never allowed to roam free. My heart pitied him and I would be more than happy if confirmed that Allah will punish the captives.


wa `alaykum salam,

The Islamic concern about cruelty to animals is so great that it has declared the infliction of any unnecessary and avoidable pain – even to a sparrow or any creature smaller than that – as a sin for which the culprit would be answerable to God on the Day of Judgement.

Imam Senad Agic
American Islamic Center – Chicago

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