Lawyer in Islamic Finance



I am a lawyer specializing in Islamic finance and my role involves writing the documents. Over time I have come to my personal opinion that there these arrangements are not Islamic at all. Rather, they merely disguise “riba” in a variety of ways. However, I am not a Shari’a scholar and these arrangements are approved by so-called scholars.
I do not benefit from these arrangements directly. I have read that three people are cursed, those that pay interest, those that receive interest and the scribe.

I did istikara before I took this job and in my dream I could see nothing but vibrant green. The job has been very good for me but I am extremely concerned that if these arrangements are wrong that I will be cursed to the hell fire as I am the scribe.

(The word limit would not let me explain in more detail).


wa `alaykum salam,
It is our religious duty to follow opinions and verdicts of Muslim scholars credible in Islamic finances.

Imam Senad Agic
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago

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