Suffering from anxiety and excessive eating


Assalamalekum, I am really in need of your help. I canĀ“t stop excessive eating, I feel anxiety. Lack of concentration is disturbing my daily life. I have not been able to start voluntary fast, it has earlier helped me in many problems. Pls, pray for me.



Wa alaikum Salaam,

These symptoms can often come from deeper unresolved pain or trauma memories embedded in our hearts/lives or past. Sometimes we need both professional therapies and spiritual support to address this. Also there is a lot of negative exposure we experience in life and doubled by social media, television etc.

Dhikr, conscious breathing, meditation, being close to nature can help create sweeter and fulfilling inspirations, memories and powerful intentions to experience healing, angelic realities, nearness to Allah and the Muhammadan Reality to bring balance to our lives.

May Allah bless you and make easy you path to self realization.

Kamau Ayubbi

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