Multiple Melanoma


Assalamu’alaykum wr wb.
Please forgive me for any no adab.
Since Oct, 17th 2011 our mother was admitted to hospital. The doctor said that she had Multiple Melanoma. Please pray for us that Allah pleased with us in the face of this condition. And please give us advice for anything that will help our mother healthy.

Jazzakumullah khayran katsiran. May Allah blesses all team of eSyaikh with happiness in dunya and akhira.

Wassalamu’alaykum wr wb.

wa `alaykum salam,
Fast on a Thursday. Wake up before fajr the following night and pray to raka`ats. Then sit and recite 40 Fatiha over one or more bottles of water. Let her drink that and you can re-supply her with more. Give sadaqa daily and recite salat tibbiyya after every prayer and in every du`a.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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