Adhab dhikr/ hajj URGENT


Assalam aleykum RAHMATULLAHI wa barakatuhu

I have two matters
1} I practice awrad of initiated, which position is preferable during dhikr ? also is it better silently or loudly ?

2] im going for Hajj inchAllah in the coming days, im in a situation of great confusion due to many troubles (health, jinns, sihr, blockages)
I really need blessings to succeed Hajj and get out of dificulties inchAllah

May Allah give a long life in good health and happiness with its blessings and satisfaction to mawlana Shaykh Nazim (qAs) and all shaykhs

Sorry for the lack of adab

BarakALLAH fik


wa `alaykum salam,

The dhikr of the Initiate is repeated to oneself in a low voice.

Insha-Allah after Hajj all your difficulties will turn to ease. Being able to do Hajj is itself a huge immeasurable uncountable incredible blessing, for “There is no reward for an accepted Hajj (mabroor) except Paradise.” (Bukhari) Paradise begins as a state in this life, which extends through the barzakh of the grave, and into the Afterlife.

What else do you want?

Taher Siddiqui

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