Importance of Friday


Assalamu Alaikum,
My daughter asked me this morning about the importance of Friday. I explained to her that the congregational prayer is on Fridays and that Friday nights (i.e. Thursdays after Maghrib) are a good time to make du’a. I know that there are other significant events that happened on Friday, and was hoping one of the esteemed members of the eshaykh team could educate us about them. Thank you so much for this amazing service that you provide to the Muslim ummah through eshaykh. We are so grateful for the access to those whom Allah Ta’ala has blessed with knowledge of Islam and who follow the Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (s). We pray for the long life and good health of those affiliated with eshaykh.


`Alaykum as-Salam,

Imam as-Suyuti compiled the best monograph on the importance of the day of Jumu`a to our knowledge, entitled Nur al-Lum`a fi Khasa’is Yawm al-Jum`a. In it he listed 230 special characteristics (khasa’is) of that day. Its Arabic edition is attached in PDF format and also downloadable from

Short of a translation of that remarkable work the following brief synopses might be of use:


Hajj Gibril Haddad

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