help with love or ill die

Prayer Request:

Sallam Baba Ji, i am a girl i need help with my love to get my love back like before and get married or i will die or kill myself until i die i can not live this no longer i beg of you help me please.


InshaAllah we will pray for you that Allah, subhanahu wa ta`la, chooses for you what is best and to descend His Mercy and Tranquility upon your heart and soul. Maintain abundant Qur’an, dhikr and salawat every day. Know that even though human beings are mortal and their emotions and love changes every moment, Allah, subhanahu wa ta`la and His Beloved, sallAllahu `alayhi wa sallim, are always there for us and when we direct our love towards them they return it infinitely more times until we are unable to love any more than them!

Ali Hussain

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