Spiritual Significance of Numbers


Recently I had this feeling of knowing the significance and science of numbers in practical life and hereafter. I noticed all numbers given to me ranging from my matriculation number in university to my account numbers are 7, and in these 7 different sets of numbers, numbers 9&6 occur 7 times separately and together 4 times. Numbers 3,4,5 appear 4 times and number 7 appear 6 times.I searched for the meaning online and from nurmuhammed.com I stumbled on Sufilive! To be sincere am afraid because even though am a Muslim myself but I do not understand this.

This Sufi order, Is it part of Islam, did the Prophet Muhammad and his companions practice Sufism? are you Sunni or Shiites. Please am only a seeker of truth and want to know your doctrines. Thank you.


Numbers do have significance when they qualify acts rooted in Prophetic tradition and teachings, such as praying two, three, or four rakats, reciting the seven verses of the Fatiha, and the various forms of glorification or repentence 33 or 70 or 100 or more times. The Prophet and his Companions practiced the religion of Allah Most High and Sufism encapsulates the Prophet’s method which he taught them. You can read up on  Naqshbandi.org and sunnah.org to form a better idea.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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