Feel like to give up


Salam to all,
Sorry for my poor english,I have two questions.
First,I took Bayyath of Moulana Sheik Nazim (nashbandi haqqani) tariqa from online more than a year ago.sometimes I miss to do daily adhab and wazifa.How can muredee know that Bayth is accepted by the shaykh??
Please advice me …Thank you
Second is I am one of Muredee of Moulana Sheik Nazim (nashbandi haqqani).I feeling that I like to give up everything during when i am doing zakir.Sometimes I feel also wanted to be the last day of me in this world during my zikir
Please advice me why i could feel like that?


wa `alaykum salam

Your baya` insha-Allah is accepted. Try to continue with the daily awrad for initiates.

The feeling of giving up doing the awrad is from Shaytan and is a sign that you are improving spiritually and this makes Shaytan angry and he tries ever harder to stop your progress.

On the other hand the feeling to give up dunya and wishing it was your last day is your soul, expressing its regret for sins and seeking Allah’s forgiveness and mercy. That is another strong sign to continue and be constant on your awrad as you are progressing insha-Allah.

W ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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