How to make my husband perfect Muslim


as salamu alaikum

I have triplet kids they were born together and my husband is mualaf [convert].

My question is:

1) How I have to teach my husband to become a perfect Muslim because sometimes I have stressful with my take my kids and I don’t want to be emotional with my husband while I teach him to become a good Muslim, even he is pray but for me still he is not perfect Muslim.

2) How to build perfect marriage to become strong?


wa `alaykum salam,

Allah does not burden anyone more than he or she can take. You have 3 children, and a husband who is converted. Alhamdulillah, Allah granted you to marry a convert and you will be rewarded to keep him Muslim. Don’t pressure him too much to make him run from Islam and then you will be the cause.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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