


Respected Sheikh,
I have following doubts,kindly help and advice me.
1)Can we talk to our sheikh in marqaba, in our mind when we are visualizing our sheikh.
2)Can we meet our beloved Prophet SallallahuAlaihi Wasallam in marqaba? Or is it something dfficult to achieve.
3) What is exactly marqaba for? What should be do?
4) Please tell me the ettiquettes while visualising our sheikh in Marqaba. I lack manners.
5)After Marqaba,do we have to be conscious about the fact that sheikh is with us all the time?
6)I had two dreams, i saw there is a Jinn and i am reading muaddhatayn to ward him off but as he is coming near me my voice is getting lower and my throat is becoming sore. Second time i saw,it was Hajj time,there was a Jinn in a room and this time when i read again i was getting sore throat but more in control of the situation than before. I was determined that i will not let him win and i applied alot of pressure on my throat and kept reading The Holy Quran.


I am eagerly waiting for your reply…
May Allah reward you and bless you with the highest level in paradise,Aameen :)


Aoodhu Billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Wa alaikum Salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

1) Yes you may speak to your Shaykh during muraqaba.

The Prophet (saws) said when you are lost you may call upon unseen ones for help. Now subhanaAllah with mobile technology, skype, etc. it is clear that communication via distance is and has always been a reality.

2) Yes, we can make connection with the Prophet’s (saws) spiritual presence in Muraqaba. The Quran says:  “Wa `Alamoo anna fikum Rasulullah“- And Know that within you is the Messenger of Allah.  The Shuyukh have spoken and written extensively stations of witnessing- It is the reality of the first pillar of Islam (Shuhud) moving from speaking by tongue and belief to direct witnessing.  It is from a difficult level to be clean to meet Rasulullah as in a wakeful state but through connection with the shaykh we may seek audience with the Beloved Rasul (saws) by intent and concentration and experience his (saws) presence to various degrees.  What is important is cultivating Love and Presence with Prophet (saws).  We hope that Allah grants us this experience of meeting The Rasul (saws) in this life.

3) Quran says ‘O you who believe have taqwa and be with the sincere/trustworthy’
It is a command of Allah to be conscious of Him and be with the Trustworthy.  Muraqaba is for building a sincere relationship with Allah, His Messenger and the awliyaullah . “Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger, and those on Authority Among you”

4) For etiquettes of Muraqabah you may look at There are several steps that include having wudu, praying two raka`ats, reciting shahadah, istighfar, seeking madad with the Shaykh, conscious breathing with DhikrAllah. While visualizing, act as if you were in his presence and connect your heart to his with love and sincerity for Allah and His Messenger.

5) Yes, this is the goal of muraqabah.  To know, witness and realize that the spiritual connection with the Shaykh is always present, the practice of murqabah helps us develop Love Mahabbah, Presence – Hudur, and Annihilation, Fana, in Allah, His Messenger and awliyaullah. This brings us towards Maqam al Ihsan as mention by the Prophet (saws) “To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, know that He sees you.”

As the dream conveys, stay steadfast in worship and devotion without fear of consequences of jinns and devils. Build your spiritual strength to have a strong refuge with Allah against devils.

Kamau Ayyubi


Wa alaikum Salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

Yes you may speak to your Shaykh during muraqaba.
Prophet (saws) said when you are lost you may call upon rijalullah for help (sh. Taher quote?)
Now subhanaAllah with mobile technology, skype, etc. it is clear that communication via distance is and has always been a reality.
Yes, we can meet with Prophet (saws) in Muraqaba. The Quran says:  “Wa Alamu anna fikum Rasulullah”- And Know that within you is the Messenger of Allah.  The Shuyukh have spoken and written extensively stations of witnessing- It is the reality of the first pillar of Islam (Shuhud) moving from speaking by tongue and belief to direct witnessing.  It is from a difficult level to be clean to meet Rasulullah as in a wakeful state but through connection with the shaykh we may seek audience with the Beloved Rasul (saws) by intent and concentration and experience his (saws) presence to various degrees.  What is important is cultivating Love and Presence with Prophet (saws).  We hope that Allah grants us this experience of meeting The Rasul (saws) in this life.
What is muraqaba for?
Quran says ‘O you who believe have taqwa and be with the sincere/trustworthy’
It is a command of Allah to be conscious of Him and be with the Trustworthy.  Muraqaba is for building a sincere relationship with Allah, His Messenger and the AwliyaAllah.  “Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger, and those on Authority Among you”
For ettiquetes of Muraqabah you may look at There are several steps that include having wudu, praying two raka’ats, reciting shahadah, istighfar, seeking madad with the Shaykh, conscious breathing with zikrAllah. While visualizing, act as if you were in his presence and connect your heart to his with love and sincerity for Allah and His Messenger.
After Muraqaba do we have to be conscious about the fact that the Shaykh is with us all of the time?
Yes, this is the goal of muraqabah.  To know, witness and realize that the spiritual connection with the Shaykh is always present, the practice of murqabah helps us develop Love Mahabbah, Presence- Hudur, and Annihilation Fana, in Allah, His Messenger and AwliyaAllah. This brings us towards Maqam al Ihsan as mention by the Prophet (saws) To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, know that He sees you.
As the dream conveys, stay steadfast in worship and devotion without fear of consequences of jinns and devils. Build your spiritual strength to have a strong refuge with Allah against devils.

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