One last time Shaykh Hisham


asalam I request that S.hisham helps me with this
beloved Shaykh Hisham I am a sinner please help me and please Allah as you are an awliya I have a lot of stress and a lot of problems not just with religion (mash Allah I am improving) but with dunya also. Please I have heard that a persons spiritual name is beneficial and concentration upon it is helpful please for 1 last time tell me my spiritual name. my name is [private]. Please Allah make him happy by helping me. I have high hopes that you will tell me and insh Allah you wont let me down


wa `alaykum salam,

We are sorry, but Mawlana Shaykh Hisham is no longer giving spiritual names.

Read the Post “Mowlana Sheikh Nazim addressing me with a name“.


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