Permission for Hizbs


I need permission to recite hizb ul bahar, hizbul dhayira, hizbul durarul a ala, hizbul aayath, hizbul barr, hizbul falah, hizbul fath, hizbul hafeela, hizbul hamdhul abul abbas mursi, hizbul ikhfa, hizbul kabeer, hizbul kifaya, hizbul luthf, hizbul makhfi, hizbun najaath, hizbun nasr, hizbun noor, hizbun noor ibn athawullah iskandari, hizbun nor ul azkaar, hizbuh shikwa, hizbuth tams, hizbuth thanweer, hizbuth thawassul, hizbuth thawheedh.


You have permission for Bahr and Dawr al A’la which is more than enough.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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