permission to recite dua Dawood A.S.


I really love my ex and want him back and get married to him. Also want to convince his parents because they’re against of our relationship and that’s why we split up. Can this dua help me to get back my ex and do I have the permission to recite it?


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

In a similar post, Shaykh Gibril advised:

If a groom’s parents or bride’s parents are against a marriage the son
or daughter will not want to break their parents’s hearts. A hadith
states “Approval from parents means approval from Allah” and the sign
of permission in a project is ease and facility, not difficulty on top
of difficulty. Make dua, give sadaqa, trust in Allah and have some
patience. If the obstacles do not clear by Eid’s time it might be best
to move on.


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