

Asalaamu alaikum wr wb Mashaaikh.

I would to request Shaikh Nazim’s permission to recite the ruqya formulae at the website, all are based on Quran and hadeeth. If the eShaykh Ulema (preferably) Shaikh Hishaam can verify its authenticity and advise whether other Naqshbandi murids may recite the formulae listed on the site as there does not seem to be much available to recite against sihr. Your advices are kindly appreciated, shukran. wasalaamu alaikum wr wb.


Alaykum Salam,

We answer specific questions on eshaykh but as for websites their creators are responsible for them and it is up to you to use them or not. We are not familiar with the one you cited.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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