una pregunta a Shaikh Hisham (q)


Querido Shaikh Hisham: Assalamualaikum

Hace 14años que intentamos practicar el islam. Vivimos en un pueblito en Argentina que elegimos para estar cerca de nuestros padres ya ancianos. hace 4años tomamos baya con Mawlana(q) y luego llego un joven con permiso y establecimos el dhikr alhamdulillah. La comunidad crecio. El joven emir siempre hizo contrario a lo que el adab del islam nos enseña en el orden social. mucho tiempo hicimos yihad de aceptarlo porque era autorizado por el Sultan. Hoy toda la gente de la yamah esta triste y confundidos, algunos se van. El pueblo se queja de los sufis ya no confian en los muslim, no tenemos mezquita, los demas representantes del pais no lo quieren. Hay Baraka en este lugar? tiene real permiso de Mawlana(q)? que hacemos? Muchas gracias por favor no lo publique Astagfirullah


Since fourteen years ago we try to practice Islam. We live in a small town in Argentina. We choose this place to be close to our parents who are old. Four years ago we took bayat with Mawlana (q) and then a young brother arrived to our town who has permission so we establish dhikr alhmadulillah. The community grew. This young emir always did the opposite of what the adab of Islam teaches us related to the social order. For a long time we did our struggle against our ego in order to accept him because he had the authorization from the Sultan. Now the jama`at is sad and confused, some of them are leaving. The people from our town is complaining from the Sufis and they are not trusting the Muslims anymore, we don´t have a mosque, and the other representatives of our country doesn´t like him. Is there any baraka on this place? does he has real permission from Maulana Shaykh (q)? what shall we do? Thank you very much please do not publish. Astaghfirullah


wa `alaykum salam,

Preguntenle a Sheikh Ahmad de Mendoza.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani


You may ask Shaykh Ahmad from Mendoza.

(Email: ahmad@naqshbandi.com.ar
URL: http://www.naqshbandi.com.ar/index.shtml)

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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