Wasting Water


Asalamu alaykum Sheikh Khasuusi dua inshaAllah,

I wanted to ask an important question. I have read in a book of Hazrath Shaykh Abdul Qadir Gilani radi ALLAH anh. They quote a hadith about wuzu. Add in it Fazail states: ‘Repetition of wuzu refreshes imaan. And many other benefits. And the more wuzu done the better.’ Now I do wuzu with every namaz and some times when it’s been a while I refresh my wuzu again.

My question is: I also read the Holy Quran says ‘verily ALLAH does not like those who waste.’ And I also read that wuzu water shouldn’t be over used. My question, isn’t this repetition of wuzu even though having wuzu come under this category?




Renewing wudu‘ for every prayer is Sunnah and is not an issue. That verse you quoted does not apply to this, but to those who exceed their limits in their consumption due to their greed. Nevertheless, using more water than is actually needed when making wudu‘ is a form of wastage, and our Shuyukh have always taught us never to be wasteful.

Abdul Shakur

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