Direction of sleep


Assalam alaikum sheikh,

I would like to ask about the direction of sleeping in my room. If I sleep on my right side its facing away from the Kaaba i.e the Kaaba direction is on my left side and I fear that its disrespectful to put my back towards it. Sometimes I sleep on my back straight and face slightly towards the left side i.e towards to the Kaaba so its not disrespectful. So kindly advise me accordingly.

JazakAllah Khair


Wa Alaykum Salam,

Sleeping on one’s right side regardless of the position of Ka’bah is Sunnah. Sleeping on one’s left side is allowed but one does not get
the reward for following the Sunnah.

Imam Senad Agic
American Islamic Center – Chicago
Majlis #1 Head Imam (IABNA)

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