Four Raka`ts before Salat azh-Zhuhr


Salaam alikum wr WB

You are one of the most respected scholar Alhamdulilah this question should be asked of you.

I am in Indonesia. I see people reading Salaah ul- dhuhr  2+4+2.

I researched and according to كتاب الصلاة  hadith by wife of Habibullah (saw) that He never missed 4 Sunnah in Dhuhr. And as observed by followers of Imam Abu Hannifa is 4+4+2

What is happening here and can you kindly give me some explanation because I don’t know what to do: 4+4+2 or 2+4+2 ?

Ones again I am very sorry for disturbing you I hope you forgive me with respectful sheikh and brother

Salaam alikum


`Alaykum Salam

In the Shafi`i fiqh the hadith of Ibn `Umar in Bukhari states the Prophet (s) prayer 2 before Zhuhr and 2 after. This is considered the emphasized sunnah (Sunna Mu’akkada) in the Shafi`i madhhab. The hadith of `A’isha in Bukhari is understood to refer to an additional 2 before and an additional 2 after, which are the non-emphasized sunnah (Sunnah Ghayr Mu’akkada) in the Shafi`i madhhab. So you can still pray 4 and 4 but you will have more reward in sha Allah, as your knowledge will have increased. When in Indonesia you will benefit by studying the Shafi`i madhhab so that your knowledge will grow and you will apply more verses and hadiths in your life.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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