Getting Rid Of a Ghost


I read, that Munzil gets rid of a ghosts/spirits in a house, but my question is what is the right procedure? Do I have to do wudo? Do I listen to it at night or during the day? Also could you tell me a bit more about Ghosts, are they trapped in a room or free to roam around the home, also what happens to them during the day?


Manzil is just a short collection of duas from Qur’an and hadith, but what is needed more is to get rid of one’s own bad habits and misbehavior. That and that alone is the greatest danger, not helpless invisible culprits who, if they are there at all, are incapable of any harm unless one is already inviting harm. Keep salat on time. Do not sin. Read la ilaha illallah after every salat, especially before sleep, and do not harm others.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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