
Aslaam walkium I have witnessed something which I am very scared about. I got a few questions for Sheikh Hisham to answer.

1.I got told that Sheikh Hisham is not a syed is this true please shed some light.

2. I got told he is married to Sheikh Nazim daughter who is syed if this is true how can this be possible.

3. If question 2 is correct please give me proof from hadith, quran and awliya Allah statements.

4. How did he get permission to marry a syed.

I am asking these questions because all the time I have been thinking Sheikh Hisham is a syed. I am very scared I feel something awful gonna happen please pray for me.


wa `alaykum salam,

See this brief biography of Sayyidi Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani.


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