Permission of Hazrat Daud (AS) Dua


My family introduced me to a man for the purpose of marriage, who I got to know with the permission of both our parents and I really liked him. But it didn’t work out at the end.I would like to recite the dua of Hazrat Daud(AS). with your permission, but I have a few questions to ask.
1. Is this dua to be read after fasting on the Thursday
2. Should I contact him after the 40 days finishing the recitation of this dua,
3. How many times should I recite this dua per day, should we recite it after a certain prayer
4. Can my mother recite the dua, and fast as well for this cause
5. If we do not know the father’s name, is it ok just to read the mother’s name only in the dua
6. Can I read this for 40 days through my periods


wa `alaykum salam,

Please see here and here.


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